2022 Build Season – Week 3


Aloha! Welcome to the third week of the 2022 Rapid React Build Season!

day 16

It’s the first day of week three and we can’t believe we’re almost halfway through build season! Day 16 had our teams working hard, Construction continued working on the adjustable shooter, assembling the climber onto the robot, and making swerve modules. Control Systems has been developing a simplified teleop to prepare for the main robot functions and continued programming the main code for the drive.

day 17

We continue to work hard and make progress to complete our final robot! Day 17 consisted of Control Systems working on programming a code for each subsystem, complete with a base layout of the devices and their trivial functionality. The Construction team completed the construction of the climber and assembled it onto the robot, along with working on a redesign of the shooter head due to space constraints. Documentation continued taking photos and videos along with updating the website to include this new week’s build season page! They also posted on our social media platforms to keep everyone up to date.

day 18

Day 18 was another substantial day of progress, with all of our sub-teams getting a lot done! The Construction team worked on assembling parts of the shooter head, along with modifying and constructing parts for the lift mechanism. Control systems on the other hand, started testing base code with a new file structure and investigating data set interpolation methods in the system LabVIEW. To top it off, documentation continued to update the website with photos from this week’s build season and compiled a lot of photos and videos to prepare for Week 3’s recap montage. 

day 19

Today is another day and we are continuing to work on our robot, testing and adjusting functions for max efficiency. The Construction team has worked on constructing a drivetrain and climber parts for the second robot, assembling panels to mount the electronics. Documentation has also been busy taking photos and videos, updating the website and preparing for the Chairman’s Award video. Control Systems worked on testing the motors on the robot and continuing to work on the master code. 

day 20

Day 20 has concluded as we still have lots more to do. Each sub-system has been working hard for the last few weeks and we can’t wait to show you what we’ve been able to accomplish in these last three weeks of build season! Construction has completed the practice field parts and are working on assembling the final product, they have also been continuing to manufacture the robot. In addition, the Control Systems team has begun wiring the robot and continuing to work on the main code. At the same time, Documentation has been there capturing photos and videos to update our website and prepare for the weekly update video.

day 21

With one more day left of Week Three, each subsystem was hard at work to complete the robot for this season! The Construction team has been at work, adding parts to complete the first robot and machining parts for the second. Documentation has been recording and compiling clips every step of the way to keep the outside world in the loop! Control Systems also worked on wiring the robot, preparing the robot for testing and for our drive team to practice!

day 22

All sub-teams have ended week 3 with considerable progress and we can’t wait to start week 4! The Construction team has been working on parts for our final robot’s climber, intake, and turret. Furthermore, continuing to 3D print spare swerve modules. Control Systems has been working on the pneumatic architecture which has been nearly completed. Documentation has been continuing to take photos and videos as well as recording the week 3 recap and compiling the clips together. 

Check Out Week Four!