
2017-2018 Build Season

Week One

Week One of the 2018 FIRST power of build season has finally come to an end. Our team has been busy helping each other With various tasks so this season will be successful. Right after kickoff we began the brainstorming process and split into three groups to work on different prototypes. With mentor help we’re able to complete and construct different Field elements like the scale and switch. As we are finalizing our robots design, our team has been hard at work creating CAD files and deciding what intake and lift to use. Some students helped with omiyage and keeping the website up to date while recording and documenting the entire engineering process. On Tuesday we were visited by Hawaii News Now who came to tour our facility and learn about our program. Our lead mentor, Mr. Glenn Lee has been selected as one of the top fifty finalists for the global teacher prize. 

Week two

Time flies when you’re working hard, and just like that we are in week two. Our students and mentors have been busy finishing our CAD prototypes, documenting robot parts for inventory, as well as updating our team binders. Over in the auto shop we have been working on building our lift and drive train. In addition, brackets and other small parts were being drawn, designed, and manufactured. The construction team also completed all intake prototypes, while the control systems crew continued to evaluate programming tests and clean up their code. The documentation team has been making progress, by taking videos and pictures to update and edit the website. They have also started working on our safety and technical binder. On Monday and Tuesday The Hawaiian Kids were visited by Mr. Prince, a UK representative of the Global Teacher Prize. We taught Mr. Prince about the different aspects of our program through a quick tour of our robotics facilities and by interviewing team members and mentors. Later on within the week, our animation team began to work on the 2018 FRC digital animation award. They completed their storyboard, all drawings, and have started animating their “Power up” submission on Adobe Premiere Pro. Stay tuned to see what we accomplish during our third week of build season!

Week three

With Week Three wrapping up this means we are at half way point in the 2018 Power Up build season. The construction team has been very busy making various parts of the robot such as brackets, axels, and spacers. The water jet team has been working hard the entire week cutting out pieces not only for the robot but for the driver station as well. The CAD crew has been drawing new designs to be cut out by the construction support team. Control Systems continued making bread boards and tinkering with the pneumatics. Throughout the week the documentation team has been busy Documenting our team’s progress on our website, binders and YouTube account. Students have also been making Omiyage to be brought to future competitions. Also, happy “30th” birthday Mr. Lee!

Week four

With only two more weeks to go our team has been working diligently for the fourth week of build season. Each functional sub team had very specific jobs to get done with excellent quality. With that being said every day we got closer to completing the actual robot. In the auto shop the construction team has been making and refining parts by using the waterjet, mill, bandsaw, and lathe. If they weren’t working with machines, construction was doing the very best at making CAD models of the robot. The programming team continues to wire the control board so it is both organized and effective both mechanically and electronically. Documentation made sure to keep up with other sub teams to update binders, pull up banners, and the website. Come back next week to see what we have been up to!

Week five

Week Five has come and gone and our team has been busy piecing together the robot for the final project and getting things ready for practice. Our construction team has been using the mill and waterjet to cut out the final pieces for our robot. Control systems have been finalizing the wiring of the robot and cleaning up the autonomous code. Our drive team has been starting to figure out some of the bugs with our robot and got a general feel for the machine. Documentation continued their daily routine of capturing every single moment to update our social media accounts and website, and worked on finalizing binders and pull up banners for upcoming regionals.

Week six

This week was the final season of the 2018 Power-Up build season and our team was hard at work finalizing our robot. This week was crunch time; full of all nighters and early mornings. We finalized our climber and worked out the kinks in our autonomous. Our drivers spent time driving and practicing shooting when time allowed. Documentation made sure to capture every moment as we wrapped up the season. Thank you for following along these past six weeks, see you next year. Imua Waialua!