Week Five

Aloha! Welcome to the Fifth week of the 2022 RAPID REACT Build Season!

Check out our Week Five recap on Youtube!

Day 30

It’s officially the start of Week 5, and there’s a lot going on. Starting with construction, working on tapping hexagonal spacers, cutting parts such as 1st stage rope guards and index support angle mount. As well as powder coating, and continuing assembly. Over in control system’s they continue to work on, balking index systems and numeric controls. Lastly for Documentation, they have been busy with the website, taking photos and vidoes around Waialua, and brainstorming for the Chairman’s Award video.

Day 31

The second day of week five consisted of construction, continued assembly of our competition robot and starting work on finalizing a driver station. Meanwhile, Control systems continued troubleshooting issues and started organizing the final code. Lastly, documentation continued work on Chairman’s Award as well as taking pictures and videos as the days progressed.

Day 32

It’s another day in week 5 as we work to continue our robot. Day 32 had our Construction team powder coating, working on intake parts, and continuing to assemble the main frame as well as the shooter, index, and turret. Control Systems has been working on modifying the indexer and working on the competition program. Furthermore, Documentation has continued to take photos and videos, updating our website, and working on the Chairman’s Award video.

Day 33

With only a few days left in Week 5, there’s still a lot that needs to be done. The Construction team has placed the final touches on our competition robot and get it ready to send over to Control Systems to begin final wiring. To prepare, Control Systems get everything they need in place so that wiring can commence without a problem. Meanwhile, Documentation has been hard at work on their Chairman’s Award Video on top of taking photos and videos of the other subteams.

Day 34

The end of Week 5 draws near and we’ve got our work cut out for us. With the finalization of the competition robot, Construction team moves over to making spare parts to ready ourselves for competition. Control Systems on the other hand, now have the task of wiring the robot which may take a few days to complete. All the while, Documentation has made progress on the Chairman’s video, finalizing a good portion of it while still having a lot that still needs completing.

Day 35

We’re on the final stretch of Week 5 and the momentum just keeps building. Construction continues their work on the spare parts now focusing on the intake parts. Meanwhile, Control Systems remain hard at work wiring the competition robot hoping to finalize it by tomorrow. In the meantime, Documentation continues their work on the Chairman’s video, gathering the remaining clips they need so they can be inserted, while also taking photos and videos.

Day 36

It’s the final day of Week 5 meaning the end is not too far away. Construction team has continuously worked on the spare parts and powder coating them to match the color scheme of our competition robot. Control Systems put the last few touches on the wiring of the robot getting it ready for the upcoming week of immense practicing. With all that, Documentation finalized the main portions of their Chairman’s video now focusing on finer details such as transitions and effects.

Checkout the Sixth Week of Build Season here!