“What can we make for you today?”
Waialua Robotics Team 359 - The Hawaiian Kids often work on a variety of custom Special Projects to learn more about applying some or all of the many different techniques we use to produce our robots annually to produce other very interesting items. After participating in Robotics for over 26 years, our program has gained a wealth of knowledge and resources over the years to be in a great position to apply many of these techniques to a wide variety of industries. In addition to the learning opportunities "beyond the Robot" we use most of these opportunities to fundraise for our program as well.
Most of our Special Projects are spearheaded by our Mentor, Sean Lunasco. Having started helping the team all the way back in 2013, Mr. Lunasco always had a strong will to make our program, as well as robotics as a whole, more noticable within our mainstream media.
It was thanks to his vision and drive to see our team grow, that we were able to collaborate with many local businesses to not only get the word out about our team, but to also bring new learning experiences to the students.
The Projects
Catalytic Converter Shield
Spam Slicer
Safety Check Brackets
For the full list of Projects, click here.