Week Two

Aloha! Welcome to the Second week of the 2022 RAPID REACT Build Season!

Check out our Week Two recap on Youtube!

Day 9

It’s a new week and we are ready to continue working on our robot! The Construction team has completed the parts and assembly for the practice field and can now focus on designing and prototyping an intake and shooter. Control Systems have continued to work on the drive program and found the source of a significant bug that was affecting the swerve drive. Documentation has been working on the animation for the update video and began taking videos and photos for this week’s daily updates and end of week video.

Day 10

The second week of build season has our teams working on the robot nonstop! So far our Construction team has begun cutting parts for the robot, designing and prototyping, and testing with our Control Systems team! Our Control Systems team has continued to work on the swerve drive and end the testing phase of the trajectory to focus on implementing more positioning and heading. The Documentation team has finished up working on the video to prepare for upload and continued taking photos and videos for the second week of build season.

On Day 11 the Construction team continued assembly of the new shooter, began designing the mechanism for the robots climbing mechanism, assembly of the second intake, and began 3D printing parts for the swerve modules and assembly of the indexer. Documentation has made the finishing touches to the Week 1 video recap, took and edited photos and video for this week’s new video.

Day 12

It’s the middle of week 2 and there is still so much to be done. Construction team is continuously working on CADing the robot, designing the climbing mechanism, and cutting various parts on the water jet. While doing this, Control Systems set up a dashboard to provide a visual indication of the motors while testing the shooter. All the while Documentation captures it all, and finishes with the recap video of Week 1.

Day 13

We are close to the end of week 2, but there is still much to be done! Today, Construction support and Control Systems have come together in a collaborative effort to work on the shooter and climbing mechanism once again. Construction has continued CADing the rotation of the shooting head and camera placement. Documentation has worked on compiling week 2 clips and have begun to work on the end of week recap video. 

Day 14

Week 2 is coming to a close and Day 14 had a great start with a visit from our State Superintendent Keith Hayashi and Central Oahu District Superintendent Robert Davis who took a tour of our workshop! Construction support and control systems continued working hard on the shooter and climbing mechanisms and have also been working on completing the master code. Our Construction team has continued to work on the camera placement and shooting head. Documentation has been updating the website with photos of the recent visit and working on the week 2 video.

Day 15

We can’t believe that our second week of build season is over! The Construction subteam worked on cutting parts as well as assembling and mounting our climber prototype. The Documentation team has recorded and compiled clips for a recap of this week! Control Systems tested the odometer and motors while simultaneously working on the main program.

Checkout the Third Week of Build Season here!

Day 11