On December 18th, 2021, VEX EDR Teams 359A and 359B Competed at the West Oahu VEX Robotics Tournament hosted at Nanakuli High and Intermediate School.


Upon completion of the qualification matches, our teams talked to other teams to plan for alliance selections. During the alliance selections, Team 359A was captain of the second-seed alliance and partnered with Team 42700B, Crusaders B. Team 359B was captain of the third-seed alliance and partnered with Team 4142A, Pearl City High School.


Twenty-four teams competed in this event. Upon arrival at the venue, our teams worked on preparing the robot for inspection, tested and practiced on the fields, and talked to our alliance partners about upcoming matches. Throughout the day, both Team 359A and 359B competed in a total of seven qualification matches. At the end of the qualification matches, Team 359A ranked 3rd place with a record of 6-1-0 (Win-Lose-Tie) and Team 359B ranked 4th with a record of 6-1-0 (Win-Lose-Tie).


Upon completion of alliance selections, our teams were hard at work to prepare for their upcoming matches. During the elimination matches, Team 359A and Team 359B, along with their alliance partners faced off in the Semi-Finals where Team 359A and Team 42700B won their match with a score of 158 to 84, eliminating Team 359B and Team 4142A from the tournament. During the Finals, Team 359A and Team 42700B played against the first-seed alliance, which included Team 4142B, from Pearl City High School, and Team 2437A, Lancer Robotics. At the end of the match, Team 359A and their alliance partner 42700B win their match against the first-seed alliance with a score of 156 to 73, earning the alliance the Tournament Champions Awards. In addition to the Tournament Champions Award, Team 359A earned the Design Award. Both awards qualified Team 359A for a spot in the 2022 Hawaii VRC State Championship that will take place in February! 

Check out our other VRC Competitions!