Week Four

Aloha! Welcome to the Fourth week of the 2023 CHARGED UP Build Season

Check out our Week Four recap on Youtube!

Day 23

We are halfway through build season and our sub-teams continue to work towards completion of our robot! Our Construction students produced parts and powder coated prepped robot pieces. Control Systems worked on code for the robot and continued test driving the practice robot. Meanwhile, Business, Media, and Documentation edited the Week 3 Recap Video and Thumbnail to upload to our youtube channel! Students also worked on their FIRST Impact Award presentation and curating the team’s next social media post!

Day 24

On the second day of Week 4, our Construction Students continue to machine parts and powder coat the frame. The Control Systems side continued code for the robot and tested the robots presets on the practice field. BAM Students worked on the article for our most recent middle school VEX Tournament, took photos and videos of each subdivision, and began working on our FIRST Impact Award Video! Students were also treated to a dinner with all of the leftover food from our weekend, they ate together and one finished went straight back to work!

Day 25

We’re almost done with our final robot! Construction students are improving our robot design and manufacturing parts for our competition robot! Control Systems is busy working with the practice robot, writing and testing code for various robot subsystems. Business, Media and Documentation have diligently documented everyone’s progress through videos, photos, and daily summaries. We can’t wait to see what the rest of the week holds!

Day 26

We have started assembling our competition robot pieces while Construction continues to work on manufacturing other pieces. Control Systems works continuously on adjusting the practice robots subsystems and code, practicing driving and scoring game pieces. Business, Media, and Documentation have continued taking photos and videos, updating our website with daily summaries, and prepared photos for a social media post about one of our lead mentors!

Day 27

Students are hard at work! Construction students resumed assembly of the competition robot and fabricating final and spare parts. Control Systems changed subsystem methodology and worked on the autonomous code with the practice robot. Business, Media, and Documentation has continued taking photos and video of each subdivision. They’ve also been working with our online mentors on our FIRST Impact Award video and slides, and worked on preparing a script for our Week 4 recording!

The Hawaiian Kids are ready for a weekend of productivity! Construction students finished assembling the competition robot and continued fabricating spare parts. Control System students added new commands, worked on robot presets and the autonomous code using the practice robot. Business, Media, and Documentation recorded our Week 4 recap video, took photos and videos, editing clips, prepared a social media post, and worked with online mentors to improve our FIRST Impact Award presentation. 

As Week 4 comes to a close, 359 remains hard at work. Our Construction Team has been making spare parts for our upcoming regionals. Control Systems has begun wiring our competition robot. Meanwhile, Business, Media, and Documentation has been capturing ever moment along the way, finalizing our weekly recap video, and meeting with other teams for FIRST Impact Award practice!

Day 28

Day 29

Checkout the Fifth Week of Build Season here!