APRIL 2023
The Hawaiian Kids traveled to Dallas, Texas, to compete at the 2023 FRC World Championship! Newer students were excited to attend the world championships, while our senior students enjoyed their last world championship!
While practicing, our team worked and modified our robot to better adjust our robot to the fields. Our younger students were very excited to be surrounded by so many incredible teams from the United States and around the world! Our team socialized with friends and acquaintances from other teams.
Our drive team arrived early on day one to set up our pit. Our team checked the robot and prepared it for inspection. Meanwhile, our documentation students practiced their Impact Award presentation before gathering their equipment and heading down to the pits. Once the inspection was completed, our team moved toward the practice field to practice with the robot.
The drive team worked together to calibrate the robot to the field. The team had been working hard to make sure the robot and our team performed the best we possibly could. Our Business, Media, and Documentation worked on taking photos of the drive team practicing with the robot. They also worked on the First Impact Award presentation while working on answering interview questions to prepare.
On day 2, our students woke up early to grab some food before heading down to wait outside the venue before opening. Students prepared the robot and began looking at the match schedule, watching all notable matches.
Qualification matches started, and our team competed in 10 matches alongside 78 other teams. Teams went back and forth between the pits, fields, and practice fields. Each group was on top of their game, determined to do their best in each match! Qualification matches lasted a total of 2 days. Once the 1st day ended, students left to meet with their teams and review their data to prepare a pick list before the next day of qualifications.
Day 3 began, and our team continued working on our robot between qualification matches. Once qualification matches were over, students quickly met with their teams, reviewed scouting data, and made their pick lists in preparation for alliance selection. Team 359 ended with a record of 6-4-0 (Win-Lose-Tie), in 15th place.
Teams from all across the world attended the competition. Team 359 worked with many teams during the match; students got to meet new people and give other teams help. Meeting and assisting other teams has helped our students grow as problem solvers and has allowed our students to make friends across the globe!
Team 359 faced many challenges throughout the tournament; our team did their best to work with teammates and quickly fixed mechanical and electrical issues with the robot. Although we lost 4 matches, team 359 had many close matches with some incredible teams from the division.
On the second day of qualification matches, our First Impact Award team had their highly anticipated interview, where they gave a brief presentation of our team's history and impact before leading into Q&A with the judges. Our First Impact Award team worked diligently to impress the judges with their skills, and despite unfortunately not winning the First Impact Award, the team was still proud of their work and will continue to work harder for the next year!
Qualification matches had ended, and our team returned to discuss possible alliance partners with their students and mentors. Our Business and Media team focused on sorting through photos and posting to social media about qualification matches and helping teams in our division.
Once alliance selection came, our team was invited to join the 5th alliance. Our representative, Bowen Cassel, accepted the invitation making Team 359 a part of the 5th seed alliance alongside 3339, BumbleB, 2521, SERT, and 1714, MORE Robotics.
Teams met with their alliance partners and began discussing strategy and how they will compete against each team. As the 5th-seeded alliance, we were up against the 4th seed. Unfortunately, we lost our playoff match and dropped into the lower brackets, where we lost in our second game in the lower brackets. Even though we did not make it far into the playoffs, we still had a fantastic time at the world championship and can't wait for the next season!
Check out our other FRC Competitions!